Wednesday, March 23, 2011

ARE YOU WHIPPED? (Dating & Relationship Advice for Men)

What is the definition of WHIPPED? The urban dictionary defines "WHIPPED" as being completely controlled by a woman to the point where you will do or say anything that she tells you to. If you want to know if you're WHIPPED, take the ARE YOU WHIPPED TEST! If you've answered YES to any of the questions below, it's time to face the fact that you are WHIPPED!

QUESTION 1: Do you like to cuddle with her a lot?

QUESTION 2: When she talks to you, do you ever find yourself listening to every single word she says?

QUESTION 3: Does she dress you?

QUESTION 4: Does she tell you what time to come home?

QUESTION 5: Do you buy her feminine products for her? (e.g., tampons, maxi pads, midol, douches, etc.)

QUESTION 6: When she cries, do you cry too?

QUESTION 7: Does she make you pay for most, if not all the bill when you're out on dates?

QUESTION 8: Do you help her do her hair and makeup?

QUESTION 9: Do you call her daily and constantly send her love notes and flowers?

QUESTION 10: Do you often find yourself saying, "Yes Dear! Right away Dear! Is there anything else Dear?!"

If you've passed the test, CONGRATULATIONS! If you failed, than you really need to stop being a punk and get your balls back!

Monday, March 14, 2011

GETTING BACK UP AGAIN (Dating, Social & Lifestyle Advice For Men and Women)

Sometimes life knocks us down. This usually happens when we feel like we're progressing in it. You might have just gotten a new job with great benefits and then get laid off within a month of obtaining it. You met the perfect person at a social gathering and come to find out that their happily married. You might have just won $10,000 dollars in the lottery and later come to find out that you owe the IRS that same amount. Like Kurtis Blow said, "These are the breaks!" Realize that it's part of life to experience negative circumstances every now and then. The most important thing to remember is to pick yourself up, dust off your shoulders and get back to pursuing your goals. You maybe thinking to yourself, "That's easier said than done!" But what other choice do you have than whining like a little baby, feeling sorry for yourself, and coming up with excuses. Have you ever thought to yourself that maybe life is testing you? Yes I know. Sounds like a crazy concept but it also makes sense does n't it? Know one ever told you life was going to be easy. You're going to have some bumps and bruises along the way. And guess whatelse? You won't make it out alive! So enjoy the great things that like has to offer and fight to overcome it's obstacles. You'll become stronger and wiser because of it. And always remember this one last thing...You have one life to live!