Monday, December 21, 2009

How to deal with a jealous boyfriend/girlfriend (Dating Advice for Men and Women)

We have all been jealous at some point in our lives. Jealousy is a natural human emotion. The definition of jealous is a feeling of resentment because of another's success, advantages, unfaithfulness, or proceeding from suspicious fears. If you have a spouse that looks through your phone, constantly accuses you of checking out other people while you're out in public, calls you a flirt for saying thank you to the waitress, tries to look through your emails on the computer, and what ever else a jealous boyfriend or girlfriend does, then this post is definitely for you. There are several steps you can take when dealing with a jealous boyfriend or girlfriend. In the beginning of a relationship, you should both communicate and set rules on what is acceptable, and what is not acceptable. For instance ladies, if your boyfriend does not like the fact that you have a lot of male friends that call you a lot, you should talk to him, understand his reasons for being upset, and come to a compromise. And men, if your girlfriend feels like you spend more time with your friends than her, you should talk to her about the issue and learn to balance time for her and your friends. Another thing you can do when dealing with a jealous spouse is to not get into an argument. There is no need to get into a fight. It will only make things worse. Just stay calm and rational while discussing your issues. You can also do more things for your spouse to make them feel special. For example, take them out on surprise dates, tell them how sexy they look, make or buy them special gifts, spend more quality time with them, and so on.