Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stop being a Punk-Bitch! (Dating Advice for Men)

The worse thing you can be when dealing with women, is a Punk-Bitch! First of all, let me define what a Punk-Bitch is for all you guys out there. A Punk-Bitch is someone who has low self confidence. A person who let's people take advantage of him. So are you a Punk-Bitch!? Do you let women flake out on you? Do you let females use you for your money? Are you too accommodating? Do you let them disrespect you? If so, you really need to stop being a Punk-Bitch! Be a Man! Have some respect for yourself. You don't need to worry about impressing women with what material possessions you have. Be confident in yourself and show them the real you. Don't kiss their asses, demand respect from them, don't invest any money in them, and don't worry about what they think of you. The result will be.... them respecting you, chasing you, calling you, admiring you, and loving you. All because you stopped being a Punk-Bitch! Now stop being a Punk-Bitch and Be a Man!