Tuesday, November 9, 2010

5 SIGNS TO TELL IF HE'S GAY (Dating Advice for Women)

Ladies! There are 5 Ways to tell if the man you're dating is Gay.

Sign #1: He cares too much about his looks. When ever you're going to the nail salon, he wants to tag along and get a manicure and peticure too. He also constantly looks at his reflection to make sure that his hair and his tight clothes are put together.

Sign #2: He has a little "twerk" in his step. What I mean by this is that he walks and moves in a feminine way. For example, his hips move like a runway model when he walks down the street.

Sign #3: He is too emotional. He expresses his feelings too much both verbally and physically. For example, he likes to complain a lot about his troubles and cries when things really bother him.

Sign #4: He talks like a woman. For example, he uses words like cute, fierce, diva, fabolous, and work it. He also loves to gossip and talks too much.

Sign #5: He loves to sing and dance. He sings the song "Trading Places" to you while you're both laying in bed. And he dances to the song, "It's Raining Men" while on dinner dates.