Monday, February 22, 2010

DOWN BUT NOT OUT (Lifestyle Advice for Men and Women)

Sometimes life will create various challenges and heartaches for us when we least expect it. These obstacles may consist of losing a family member to cancer, getting laid off from a good career with benefits, being diagnosed with a deadly illness, and so on. What I want to share with you is that, life brings you pain and burden to help you. There is no pain, without gain. The struggles and challenges we face in life are meant to be opportunities for us to conquer. They also help us to evolve either mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, ultimately transforming us into better versions of ourselves.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Be hungry (Lifestyle Advice for Men and Women)

To accomplish all that you want and need in life, you must be hungry! Being hungry is having the determination and the drive for more. Always remember that complacency is your enemy. I know that there will be some days when you don't feel like pushing yourself. The truth is, laziness happens to all of us. But what we need to realize is that it's just another obstacle to overcome. Don't allow it to control and devalue your life. You must take steps to discipline yourself. Fasting, meditating, and exercising will help you to become hungry and ultimately accomplish all of your goals.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentine's Day for Singles (Dating Advice for Men and Women)

It's that time of the year again! Valentine's Day! Couples will be out and about, eating dinner, candy and chocolate. They will also end the night with love making. But what about the singles? They need love too! This day of love is a great opportunity for lonely singles that are looking for that special someone. The places for singles to attend are, bars and nightclubs, restaurants, social events, and also online social networking sites. They should also go out equipped with their best outfits, a smile, an open mind, and great energy.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Don't be afraid of failure (Lifestyle Advice for Men and Women)

At various moments in our lives, we will fail at one or more things. We will either fail at winning in a sport, finding a better job, being there for a loved one, passing a test, or even fail at completing an important project. What's important to recognize is that failure is a good thing. It prepares you for success. It helps us to gain a tougher skin, learn new lessons, and develop as a person. It should never deter you from achieving your goals. Failure is an essential part of life. And always remember, when ever you fail, learn something from it, and don't let it stop you from striving for success.