Thursday, December 16, 2010

REAL FRIENDS Vs. HATER "FRIENDS" (Social Advice for Men and Women)

REAL FRIENDS are like a surrogate family that support you and make your life easier and brighter. They are always there for you when you need them the most. They are there to hold you after the death of a loved one, encourage you to live up to your potential, got your back in a fight, are not afraid to disagree with you, make you laugh when you feel down and out, and most importantly are loyal and trustworthy. Now HATER "FRIENDS" are fake and envious back-stabbers that gossip and talk trash behind your back. They smile and act kind and helpful in your presence but are secretly hateful and jealous of you, your accomplishments and your loved ones.

These kind of people are not that difficult to point out. They do and say subtle and sometimes blatant things that show you who they really are and what they really think about you. For instance, you may have won 1st place at a sports competition and received a huge trophy for it. And instead of them being very excited for you, they may say to you, "Hey that's great! I remember winning 2 trophies last year! And the competition I faced was a little tougher." Strange and back-handed comments like that tell you what kind of person they really are. Another thing to look for is if they're always bringing up negative gossip about other people. Trust me, if they are talking negative behind other people's backs, they're definately talking bad about you when your not around.

HATER "FRIENDS" are people who are obviously disatisfied with their own lives. They look for people they can break down to their level so that they can become just as miserable as them. Ever heard of the saying, "Misery loves company?" People like these are not your REAL FRIENDS. They will only bring negativity, loneliness, sorrow, and quite possibly death. HATER "FRIENDS" are like a cancer tumor that need to be removed from your life completely!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

5 SIGNS TO TELL IF HE'S GAY (Dating Advice for Women)

Ladies! There are 5 Ways to tell if the man you're dating is Gay.

Sign #1: He cares too much about his looks. When ever you're going to the nail salon, he wants to tag along and get a manicure and peticure too. He also constantly looks at his reflection to make sure that his hair and his tight clothes are put together.

Sign #2: He has a little "twerk" in his step. What I mean by this is that he walks and moves in a feminine way. For example, his hips move like a runway model when he walks down the street.

Sign #3: He is too emotional. He expresses his feelings too much both verbally and physically. For example, he likes to complain a lot about his troubles and cries when things really bother him.

Sign #4: He talks like a woman. For example, he uses words like cute, fierce, diva, fabolous, and work it. He also loves to gossip and talks too much.

Sign #5: He loves to sing and dance. He sings the song "Trading Places" to you while you're both laying in bed. And he dances to the song, "It's Raining Men" while on dinner dates.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

ALL MEN ARE THE SAME (Dating Advice for Women)

Yes, it's true ladies! All men are the same! Well, I'm only generally speaking of course. I keep hearing complaints from women stating that "All men are the same." They keep saying that all men want is sex, they don't listen, they are not in touch with their sensitive side, they don't want to get serious, they don't know what they want, blah, blah, blah, blah!

I know most of you females have not heard this from your friends and family before but have you ever thought that... MAYBE YOU'RE THE PROBLEM? I know that some of the men that you've met are crazy and undateable but analyze yourself first before going out and looking for more Man-Meat. I want you to take a good look in the mirror and honestly ask yourself (3 times). "Self! Am I the PROBLEM?!"

Now think of all things that you think you could be doing wrong. Not only when it comes to men, but in social settings with strangers, family, and friends. Now get a pen and paper, write down your positives on one side of the page and write down your negatives on the other side. Then read out loud the negatives. Now remind yourself to stop and correct your negative actions when you're in a social setting and when dealing with men. Also remember that like attracts like. You only attract what you're projecting at a certain point in time. And if you develop your personality traits, discover your weaknesses (whether mental, physical, and emotional)and turn them into strengths, trust me! Sooner or later, you will attract a great man into your life!

Look for The 3 Second Eye Contact (Dating Advice for Men)

I just recently spoke to a reader online that was having dating scene troubles. The problem that he has is that he can't tell if a woman is interested in him or not. As a result, he would try to spark up a conversation with random women that he's interested in and gets turned down. Apart from telling him to stay well dressed and smelling good. I told him that he also needs to look for "The 3 Second Eye Contact" from women everywhere he goes.

Whether it's at school, work, the grocery store, bus stop, laundromat, etc. Women are always checking out men. They're just more slick about it than we are. If most men would take the time to look at a woman's eyes before approaching her, they will learn a lot. When a woman looks at you for at least 3 seconds without a strange or angry look on her face, she's non-verbally telling you that she's interested in you. Take advantage of her positive body language towards you and talk to her.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

DON'T PAY FOR DATES (Dating Advice for Men and Women)

Why does a person pay for someone that they don't even know while out on dates? Is it because they're trying to win that person's affection and approval by paying for his or her food or entertainment? Or maybe it's because they've been though that it's the right and polite thing to do? Traditionally, a man would ask a woman out on a date, take her out on the town, spend an hour or two trying to get to know her, pay for everything and end the night taking her home, and probably get a hug and a kiss on the cheek goodnight. It's obvious that women benefited highly from that old way of dating which left men at a disadvantage.

Currently, the dating scene has changed. More and more women are becoming financially independent now and are offering to pay for dates. This fact helps to balance the dating scene for both sexes. Why? Because dating should be a fair and equal investment between two parties. Personally, Intellectually, and Financially. Furthermore, people tend to appreciate what they've worked hard for. It's basic human psychology. So why should the benefits of dating be one sided when it can be spread equally between two people. Realize that most of the people that you date will not be compatible with you. This is why you should not place a full financial investment on any of them. You'll just end up broke and discouraged! And please, don't call your get together a "date", it only adds pressure to the occasion. Instead, just call it a meetup, honestly try to get to know the person that you're with, and see where things go from there. And remember that dating is a screening and filtering process. After you've screened and filtered a person's behavior, character, integrity, honesty and consistency, is when you can increase the amount of investment that you want to place on them.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

WHY YOU'RE STILL SINGLE (Dating Advice for Men and Women)

Have you ever wondered why you're still single? Do you keep blaming everyone else but yourself? Well I'm here to tell you the reasons for your present situation. There are many reasons that may be the cause of your loneliness and frustration but, I'm going to focus on the major causes. First, I'm going to discuss the main reasons why some of you are still single.

Reason #1: Desperation - Stop acting like you've never seen a beautiful woman or any woman for that matter. A desperate or "thirsty" man to women is very unattractive. Take your time and be smooth when dealing with a female. Always remember that words are a woman's weakness. And a man's weakness is you ladies. So use that knowledge to your advantage by choosing the way you want to be treated. You don't have to chase and spread your legs for every man that you're attracted to. You'll just be labeled as a slut or a hoe and be treated as a jump-off.

Reason #2: Lack of Confidence - Confidence is key when it comes to your encounters with women. Show them that your confident in yourself, your abilities, and your intelligence. And what ever you do, don't get arrogant. You'll just look like an ass and drive them away. You females also need to become a little more confident in your interactions men. Stop being afraid to approach a man that you're interested in. You don't have to seem desperate and lonely, be subtle and direct in your approach. He may just be the one that you've been looking for. And have confidence in your beauty and natural abilities and don't worry about your little insecurities, they can be overlooked.

Reason #3: Bad Hygiene - This one right here is very crucial. Their are some men that have horrible personal hygiene. If you ever want to get and keep a female, please make sure to take showers with fresh soap everyday, put on good scented deodorant, cologne, brush your teeth regularly because no one wants to look at yellow or brown teeth. And also make sure to get a haircut every month to keep yourself from looking like a crazy bum. Ladies! Get your hair, nails, facials, shave your body hairs, brush your teeth, wear lip gloss, use sweet scented lotions and perfumes, and take showers too. And please keep things clean and smelling fresh "down there", if you know what I mean.(Wink ;)

Reason #4: No Fashion Sense - Women love a man that knows how to dress. So do yourself a favor and start wearing clothes that fit and look good on you. Stop wearing tight ass skinny jeans, Ug boots, Du-rags, Arab scarves, kids clothes, and saggy pants that hang down to your knees. Only dumb little girls like that goofy shit. And ladies, stop dressing like sluts just to get attention. Because the only men you're going to attract are men that just want to hit it and quit it. Dress up with style and class. Nothing too flashy or conservative.

Reason #5: Laziness - Ever heard of the saying, "The early bird gets the worm?" Well that phrase can also come in good use when dealing with the opposite sex. You have to know exactly what you want in a spouse and take the necessary action to find and meet them. But before you do that, you must first close your eyes and visualize what you want him or her to look like, the sound of his or her voice, what he or she smells like, their height, the kind of clothes they wear, their personality, their intellect, etc. Now after you've done this, research places where the kind of person that you want spends their time at. Guys! If you like athletic women, get a gym membership or join a fitness meetup group. Ladies! If you like spiritual men, go to church every sunday or join a yoga/meditation class. And make sure never to leave out chance encounters in places like the grocery store, the bus stop, the mall, at a bar, the post office, and so on. Laziness also keeps people from taking care of their physical health. So make sure to exercise for your health and for the attention of the opposite sex.

And last but not least...Reason #6: Bad Attitude - Everyone hates someone with a bad attitude. They bring out negative vibes that make everybody around them feel uncomfortable. People are more receptive to those that make them feel good about themselves. This is the biggest reason why you're still single! Now are you going to change for the better or are you still going to keep dragging along in this lonely and frustrating road? The choice is yours.

Monday, June 21, 2010

THE DEFINITION OF A JUMP-OFF (Dating Advice for Women)

What is a Jump-Off? The definition of a Jump-Off is a female who is down to hang out and have sex with no strings attached. She also has no aspirations of being in a committed relationship and just wants to have fun. Most women have been some guy's jump-off at some point in their lives. But if a woman allows the men that she deals with to see her only as a jump-off, she will never fully gain their respect. What women need to realize is that men will place you in one of three categories. And these three categories are 1. Jump-Off 2. Wifey (Girlfriend) 3. Friend. And men determine which category they will place you in depending on your personality, your intellect, the way you dress and carry yourself, the way you act and speak, the people you hang around with, and the way you treat people. So be careful about how you act around the men you deal with because if not, you might be placed in the Jump-Off category.

STOP BEING A STRING ALONG (Dating Advice for Women)

Ladies! Stop letting the men you date string you along. If you've been dating a man for months and years and have not established a concrete relationship yet, you are being strung along. If you want a serious relationship, tell the man in your life that you want a serious relationship. Don't be afraid to tell him what you want. Most men will string you along for as long as possible if you don't address the situation. I know that you don't want to be a jump-off for the rest of your life, dating and sleeping with random guys. And if the man that you're dating chooses to avoid the topic, just give him an alturmatum. Either he commits to a relationship, or you're gone. A man knows a great woman when he sees one. Within 6 months, we know if we want you to be our girlfriend or not. So don't waste your time hoping, fantasizing, and lying to yourself about what's really going on within your interactions with men. If you don't wise up and start using your common sense, you will ultimately be faced with feelings of confusion, regret, anger, and humiliation.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

INTERNET PIMPIN 2: The Ladies Guide to Online Dating

Ladies! Have you ever dreamed of meeting the love of your life? Does it seem like you'll never get to meet Mr. Right because you're so use to being discouraged by the Mr. Wrongs and the Mr. Right Nows of the world? The modern dating scene is a wild jungle filled with terrible blind dates, dead-beat losers, overcrowded bars, hopeless singles events, and emotionally disturbed and desperate loners.

But you deserve better than this! You deserve to find that special someone. Someone you can really connect with. A man that you’re physically, mentally, and emotionally attracted to. Someone who loves you for who you are, and someone who can be your soul-mate and your best friend. Finding the elusive Mr. Right is difficult but not impossible. There is still hope. Why not try online dating?! You have nothing to lose! There are millions of quality single men to choose from and the possibilities of finding love are endless!

Internet Pimpin 2: The Ladies Guide to Online Dating is the second installment of the ultimate online dating guide series. This step by step guide will show you how to setup your online profile to attract and seduce quality men, how to spark interests with the right messages, how to build a strong connection through conversations, how to get a date with Mr. Right and most importantly, it will also show you how to keep him. Now here’s your chance to make it all come true. This is your chance to find the man of your dreams!

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

WHY PEOPLE HATE (Lifestyle Advice For Men and Women)

There are many reasons why people hate. People hate when they feel inferior and superior to others, hate out of fear, hate when others beliefs don't match theirs, hate what they don't understand, hate the differences they see in others, and also hate what they can't conquer and achieve. So why do people hate on other people? Well, there seems to be deep rooted insecurities in the minds of most human beings that cause them to hate. The main reason why people hate is that people are very emotional creatures. And their whole lives are affected based on their feelings. You can't fully remedy hate. There will always be some people that will hate on you no matter what. But there are ways to remedy most hatred against you.

Don't let the haters bother you. Just live your life. But try to analyze the situations that you're in and take action to avoid any hostility that may cause you to get harmed, feel insecure or become embarrassed. Don't be arrogant (but be confident), don't be a show off or act like you're better than everyone, don't act like a know it all (ignorance is bliss), listen more than you speak, be respectful and kind to everyone (make people feel good about themselves).

Friday, March 26, 2010


Believe it or not ladies, but your so called "male friends" are not really your friends at all! Most men and women can not be just friends. Why you ask? Well, because there are usually ulterior motives involved. And in many cases, those motives involve something sexual. For instance, a "male friend" of yours has decided to be your friend and has stayed in the "friend zone" for years, in hopes that he may one day have sex with you. Another reason for being your friend is that he believes you can help him attract more women for him. For instance, he may want you to hook him up with your sister, your cousin, your girlfriend, women at nightclubs, or some other women that you may know. Other reasons for being your friend is that you may be wealthy, popular, well-connected or just a valuable business contact.

Now please don't get upset at me, not all of your male friends want to use you. There are some exceptions! One exception for a man to honestly be your true friend is if he does not find you physically or sexually attractive. Yes. I know this may come as a shocker to you girls but this is just how men think. If we're not attracted to you, then you're automatically placed in either one of two categories: Friend or Nobody. Another reason for being your true friend is if he's gay. Now this one's obvious because gay men are only attracted to men and they usually have at least one or more lady friends to relate to. The third reason for being your true friend is if he's already in a committed relationship with someone. And the last reason for being your true friend is that, you're actually a fun and interesting person that's pleasant to be around.

So there you have it ladies! This is the truth about your "male friends". There are some that truly are your friends. But the majority of them have ulterior motives for being "just friends" with you.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Are you a Text-a-holic? (Dating Advice for Men and Women)

The relatively new technology called Textin' is destroying the way we effectively communicate with one another. Call me crazy but whatever happened to just calling some body and hearing their voice? Now don't get me wrong. I'm a big advocate for new technology but textin' is a cold and impersonal way of communicating. It only has a few positives: exclusivity, no awkward pauses, and quick messaging. Textin' is a very inefficient way of trying to get to know someone because there are no emotions involved, no sounds, apart from the click-clack sounds on a keypad, followed by an annoying ringtone. And worst of all, there is nothing intimate about it. And yes I know that more and more people are textin', but that does not mean that it's necessarily a good thing. These Text-a-holics are becoming a generation of mindless drones that are slowly losing the most basic and precious form of human interaction, speech! When it comes to dating, men and women need to call, hear, and speak to each other in order to establish a real personal connection.

Think about it, your intuition about a person is much clearer when you finally hear their voice over the phone for the first time. You also get to gauge their personality, their emotions, as well as their intellect much closely. Textin' should not be used as a dating tool because it does nothing to improve it. It keeps you more distant and disconnected from the person that you're trying to hook up with. Call the person that you're interested in, speak to them, hear how you both react to each others voices, setup a date together, and meet each other in person. Besides, if a person would rather text you than call you, he or she is either already in a relationship, a social outcast, very timid, or they're just plain flakey and secretive. And I don't think that's the kind of person you would want in your life. Now do yourself a favor! Stop textin' and start CALLING!


Ladies! Ladies! Ladies! Let me tell you something about men and dating. We do not want to meet your friends! Yes, I know it sounds harsh but hear me out. Let's say we met at some moment in time, conversed, and decided to exchange phone numbers with one another. Now later on, we decide to contact one another for an official meet and greet. This official meet and greet can also be called a "first date", "meet up", or "hanging out". Now on a date, men are thinking that we are going to be meeting with you and only you! We do not want to meet anyone else! Not your friends, not your brother, not your mother, not your father, and especially not your crazy co-worker with the glass eye that won't stop staring at us. We want to meet only you because we are interested in getting to know you more and possibly have sex with you in the near future. And if you've proven to be more than just another sex buddy, we will promote you to honorary girlfriend! And by then, we will gladly meet your friends. I know that you bring your friends for confidence and safety reasons but, you really don't need them. Why bring them for confidence and safety? Men do not want a woman with low self-esteem. It's too much of a hassle. And when it's comes to safety, we are meeting at a public place for that reason alone. And if you're really unsure, you can also meet us in the afternoon at a public place that is familiar to you.

Bringing your friends to our meet up spot only proves to us that you don't trust us, you're an immature person who can't do anything without her friends, and that you probably have a boyfriend. So next time you're going to meet up with a guy that you like, lose your friends! We don't want to meet your friends!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stop being a Punk-Bitch! (Dating Advice for Men)

The worse thing you can be when dealing with women, is a Punk-Bitch! First of all, let me define what a Punk-Bitch is for all you guys out there. A Punk-Bitch is someone who has low self confidence. A person who let's people take advantage of him. So are you a Punk-Bitch!? Do you let women flake out on you? Do you let females use you for your money? Are you too accommodating? Do you let them disrespect you? If so, you really need to stop being a Punk-Bitch! Be a Man! Have some respect for yourself. You don't need to worry about impressing women with what material possessions you have. Be confident in yourself and show them the real you. Don't kiss their asses, demand respect from them, don't invest any money in them, and don't worry about what they think of you. The result will be.... them respecting you, chasing you, calling you, admiring you, and loving you. All because you stopped being a Punk-Bitch! Now stop being a Punk-Bitch and Be a Man!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Why you're a Slut and He's a Playa (Dating Advice for Women)

There are some women that complain about men being called "PLAYAZ" for having sex with multiple women, and women being called "SLUTS" for having sex with multiple men. This is a double standard for a variety of reasons. The first reason for this double standard is for the simple fact that sex is more available to women than it is for men. Most women get offered sex from men like hotcakes almost everyday of there lives. Usually from their early teenage years to their thirties. The sexual advances and offerings that women receive from men start to decrease as they reach a certain age because women are mainly judged by their beauty/physical appearance and youthfulness. Both of these traits tend to diminish for women as they get older as well as the amount of available quality suitors. This is also the reason why the majority of females want to get married or settle down within their mid to late twenties. For most men, the opposite effect happens. Their chances of getting sex increases as they age because men in society are mainly judged for having social status, money, a stable career, a car and a home. And they obtain these things including knowledge and wisdom, as they age. So it's easy to be a SLUT. And hard to be a PLAYA. This is one of the reasons why men are praised for being "PLAYAZ" and women are looked down upon for being "SLUTS".

The second reason for this double standard is that most women become emotionally attached to the men they sleep with. This later leads to emotional and psychological baggage when the men they've had sex with or are currently having sex with, don't have any feelings for them. These women also become known as "damaged goods" that have been worn out not only mentally and emotionally, but also physically, by so many men. In contrast, most men can have sex with multiple women and not have any feelings for them at all. It's not because the majority of men in the world are evil and heartless. It's just that a man's sexual purpose is for conquest, enjoyment, and spreading his genes. And they only value sex with someone they're actually have respect, trust, and love for. You can't honestly respect, trust, or even love a SLUT. And yes, it's true that some people do change, but in actuality, most people don't.

The third explanation is that women run the risk of not only attracting Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) from the result of sleeping with many men, but also have the risk of unwanted pregnancies. And even if a female does want her child, she will have to go through the physical, mental, and emotional struggles of carrying a child, giving birth to it, and raising it. And in some cases, women that do have children out of wedlock tend to become single mothers and are usually the last choice if any, when it comes to dating. Men also run the risk of obtaining STDs and getting multiple baby mamas. Even though a man is by law responsible for providing financial support for his offspring, he is not forced by law to be there physically for them, leaving the mother with most of the responsibilities and the burden. So please take heed ladies! Don't give up the ass too quickly to most of the men you date, be very picky in choosing the men you do have sex with, and have a small and limited number of sex partners. And remember this, you cannot gain a man's trust, his respect, or his love, if you don't respect yourself.

Monday, March 8, 2010

MAKING CHANGES (Lifestyle Advice for Men and Women)

To evolve and improve in life, you must make changes. Change the way you think, the way you act, and the way you approach different situations. Your life will begin to change for the better because you are learning to adapt to your surroundings. Life is about survival. And the best way to survive sometimes is to change. Yes, it is scary sometimes to face and accept change but it will eventually happen. Either you learn to change or suffer the negative consequences.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Listen to your mate (Dating Advice for Men and Women)

Relationships are all about communication, trust, and compromise. Couples need to learn to listen to what their telling each other. If there's a problem, both of you need to relax and calmly discuss the issues that you are having with one another. Don't think about hurting each others feelings. Letting everything out in the open is the only way to resolve your problems. And after you've talked about your problems, then you can take steps to rectify them. This process never fails and will bring closure to every given situation.

Monday, February 22, 2010

DOWN BUT NOT OUT (Lifestyle Advice for Men and Women)

Sometimes life will create various challenges and heartaches for us when we least expect it. These obstacles may consist of losing a family member to cancer, getting laid off from a good career with benefits, being diagnosed with a deadly illness, and so on. What I want to share with you is that, life brings you pain and burden to help you. There is no pain, without gain. The struggles and challenges we face in life are meant to be opportunities for us to conquer. They also help us to evolve either mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, ultimately transforming us into better versions of ourselves.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Be hungry (Lifestyle Advice for Men and Women)

To accomplish all that you want and need in life, you must be hungry! Being hungry is having the determination and the drive for more. Always remember that complacency is your enemy. I know that there will be some days when you don't feel like pushing yourself. The truth is, laziness happens to all of us. But what we need to realize is that it's just another obstacle to overcome. Don't allow it to control and devalue your life. You must take steps to discipline yourself. Fasting, meditating, and exercising will help you to become hungry and ultimately accomplish all of your goals.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentine's Day for Singles (Dating Advice for Men and Women)

It's that time of the year again! Valentine's Day! Couples will be out and about, eating dinner, candy and chocolate. They will also end the night with love making. But what about the singles? They need love too! This day of love is a great opportunity for lonely singles that are looking for that special someone. The places for singles to attend are, bars and nightclubs, restaurants, social events, and also online social networking sites. They should also go out equipped with their best outfits, a smile, an open mind, and great energy.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Don't be afraid of failure (Lifestyle Advice for Men and Women)

At various moments in our lives, we will fail at one or more things. We will either fail at winning in a sport, finding a better job, being there for a loved one, passing a test, or even fail at completing an important project. What's important to recognize is that failure is a good thing. It prepares you for success. It helps us to gain a tougher skin, learn new lessons, and develop as a person. It should never deter you from achieving your goals. Failure is an essential part of life. And always remember, when ever you fail, learn something from it, and don't let it stop you from striving for success.


Monday, January 25, 2010

The Mr.Wonderful Radio Show #1: The Nightclub Game (Dating Advice for Men)

The first episode of the Mr.Wonderful Show is finally here! In this podcast, I discuss the nightclub game and every aspect of how to rule the nightlife! Go check it out at


Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Mr. Wonderful Radio Show!

Starting every friday, get ready to hear New York's #1 Dating Coach give dating, social, and lifestyle advice on The Mr.Wonderful Radio Show! Checkout the first on-air broadcast this Friday, January 22, 2010.


Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Believe in yourself (Lifestyle Advice for Men and Women)

Sometimes life get's really tough. You try hard to accomplish all of your goals but there are still obstacles to over come. What you always need to remember is to believe in yourself! Whether you've been turned down for a new job position, can't pay your bills on time, have trouble making new friends, lost a family member, and have other problems that you're facing, know that bad times never last for long. Life does not give you more than you can handle. Stay focused on your goals by keeping notes, take steps towards your goals everyday, have total confidence in your skills, keep learning new things, and challenge yourself. Once you start doing this, you will start to accomplish more of your goals. All it takes is the thought of believing in yourself and taking action. Believe in yourself and positive things will happen in your life!


Friday, January 8, 2010

Don't be a Slopbucket (Dating and Social Advice for Women)

What is a Slopbucket you ask? Well, a Slopbucket is a physically unattractive woman with no class, style, and taste. A Slopbucket can be skinny, fat, short, tall, and any race. I came up with this term a couple of years ago when I was out with my friends at a nightclub. While we were inside, we saw some girls on the dance floor looking sloppy drunk, dressed in the worse outfits, had messy hair, had too much make-up or none at all, and smelled like cheap perfume. They were also loud, ignorant, and really out of shape. That's when I frowned and said, "Damn! These girls are Slopbuckets!" Then my friends and I just laughed and walked away with disgust keeping our distance from them for the entire night. So please ladies! Don't be a Slopbucket! Take care of your physical appearance, have class, style, and taste.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

How to deal with a stalker (Dating Advice for Women)

Stalking refers to repeated harassing or threatening behavior by an individual, such as following a person, appearing at a person's home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person's property. Most women, at some point in their lives have been stalked by at least one creepy man. Whether it was an ex-boyfriend or a complete stranger, women need to learn how stop a stalker at his tracks and prevent from being stalked again. Ladies! While in the dating scene, make sure to never invite a man into your home or tell him exactly where you live. You don't know what kind of person you're dealing with when you first meet them. You need to be very careful but not act paranoid. Here are the warning signs that the guy you're dating is a possible stalker. Personality disorders, emotional immaturity, jealousy and extreme insecurity, inability to succeed in relationships by socially-accepted means. Also, dominating and intimidating victims in order to bolster own self-esteem, biggest fear is losing the you, believing their lives have no worth without you, turning to violence in order to control you, visiting or following you and your family and friends, harassing you with telephone calls, which includes obscene calls and hang-ups, and also vandalizing your property. The best ways to protect yourself against a stalker or potential stalker, is to let someone down easy, call the police when you feel like yorself is in danger, get friends or family to help protect you, take a self-defense class, learn security awareness. carry a blade, come home at different times everyday; never have a pattern. Other ways to protect yourself are to avoid all communication with the stalker, get a new phone number, block your address at the department of motor vehicles and voter registration office, and have your mail delivered to a private post office box. These are all the ways to help prevent you from being a victim of a stalker. Take care and be careful.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dating older women (Dating Advice For Men)

Older women who date younger men are called "cougars". And attractive older women that have children are called "milfs". There are things a younger man must know before dating an older woman. And by older I mean 7 years older or more. Older women tend to be more mature, sophisticated, intelligent, and more sexually experienced than younger women. They are also more emotionally and financially stable, play less mind games if any, are willing to be fun and silly at times, and also have had greater life experiences than younger women. Do know that most of them have some baggage from past relationships. You should also know that most of them have children, and if not, are thinking about having kids and getting married in the near future, or have been divorced or widowed and just want casual sex. But if you just want a fling, just go far it and be honest about your intensions with them. If you want a serious relationship with one, remember that her "biological clock" is tinking and the chances of her giving birth to a healthy child or any child, are lower than a younger woman. Make sure that she's in shape or at least getting into shape so that she has little or no health problems as she ages. Life would be much easier for the both of you. The chances of her having a healthy child would be higher, your sex life won't be hindered, and she will look and feel better as a result. Another valuable thing to know when dating an older woman is that she knows almost all the tricks in book, so don't try to play any mind games with her. She also may not be able to relate to things people in your age group have experienced, is less likely to change her old ways of doing things, and she is most likely to be more understanding, respectful, and caring in a relationship.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

BEST PLACES TO DATE (Dating Advice For Men and Women)

Many singles find it hard to find really good places to get to know someone. There are great places to go out on dates. So here a list of great places to take your dates to.

1. Museum - A very good choice when thinking of a place to take a date. First of all, it's free! You can't beat that price. It is an educational venue filled with cultural and historical artifacts. Taking your date to a museum will show him or her that you're a well rounded and intelligent person.

2. Art Gallery - Another good choice for daters who like all kinds of artwork. It's also free and shows your date that you're sophisticated and creative.

3. Comedy Club - Funny, cool, and exciting atmoshere filled with unique comedians that will make you and your date laugh your ass off.

4. The Beach - A peaceful and soothing place where daters can relax, talk, and really get to know one another. Plus, it's free!

5. Amusement Park - There are so many things you can do here. You can play miniature golf, drive bumper cars, go on fun and exciting rides, win prizes, and so much more.

6. Bowling Alley - An exciting place to have lots of fun with a date. Play a couple of competitive games to break the ice and get a little closer to each other.

7. Arcade - Playing video games can be very fun, exciting, and stresss relieving. It's also cheap and let's your date know that you can let go and be playful.

8. Zoo - Seeing wild animals is fun, exciting, and educational. It's also makes both you and your date talk about about the wildlife and get closer.

Tip: (Make sure to pay your own way until after the third date. At that point, you should know if the person you're dating is worth investing any money on. And if they're not, just end it or maybe just become friends with them.)


Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Year (Lifestyle Advice for Men and Women)

Happy New Year! It's a brand new year once again! I wonder what your New Year's resolutions are? Do you want to find that special someone in 2010? Maybe you want to get in better physical shape, start your own business, or become more adventurous and travel the world. Well what ever your plans are for the new year, make sure to stick to them and never give up. Everyday should be spent moving toward your goals. It's very easy to lose track of them so make sure to constantly take notes and refer back to them for guidance. Don't let anything or anyone stand in your way. And always remember that you are destined for greatness!

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